Chicken Kebab with Rice and Vermicelli Pilaf

I popped into my only local Asian food store yesterday as I was passing to stock up on a couple of items that I had run out of. Ready made mixes such as Tandoori Masala, and whole spices like Coriander Seeds in 100g bags at great value prices. And so much more interesting than the supermarket, I feel that I would love Chicken Kebab for dinner!

Find out more about TRS products here:

Chicken Kebab with Rice and Vermicelli Pilaf
Chicken Kebab with Rice and Vermicelli Pilaf

A chicken breast cut into six pieces and threaded onto a metal skewer for each kebab. I prefer to go through each piece of meat twice  (like a stitch) to create a tighter kebab. Make accompanying vegetable kebabs with mushroom, onions, red pepper, tomatoes – keep things sizable or they will shrivel to nothing when cooking.

Continue reading “Chicken Kebab with Rice and Vermicelli Pilaf”

Fish and Scallops from Modigliani

I am not completely sure I will ever use this fish serving set.  It is quite clearly incomplete with only three actual plates and then I wondered whether I would ever cook with fish (that swim in the sea) and scallops (that, well, just float around in shells).

Fish Supper for Three

But I couldn’t help being drawn to this set as its looks quite unusual, none of the fish are smiling, and each piece in good condition other than a hairline crack in the lid of the fish sauce boat.  And if ever placed on a dinner table is bound to create a talking point for several minutes – their difference, bargains, Flog It!, antique shops, Italy and so on.

They are from Modigliani via Condotti Roma and Continue reading “Fish and Scallops from Modigliani”

Fibre Broadband, fast but not that fast

I have recently upgraded to Fibre broadband. Tempted to go one better I agreed on Fibre Plus. My previous speeds measured 7 Mbps. Sounds terrible I know and the thought of something ten times as fast was very appealing.

Not so long ago I didn’t have many things connected to the internet. Mainly a laptop and or a desktop, but not constantly of course. Now with several smart phones, Continue reading “Fibre Broadband, fast but not that fast”


I didn’t want to neglect my Antiques category and thought I should pop a small post in to get started.

Just to show what you can pick up, this little beauty cost a staggering 75p from my favorite charity shop. It is not unusual to see these for sale for ten times this amount and quite often more. Continue reading “Blackbird”